The Science
A growing body of evidence from epidemiological, animal and mechanistic studies is showing that artificial electromagnetic fields (EMFs) can impact the body negatively. Infact, more than 180 scientists and doctors from 36 countries, recommended a moratorium on the roll-out of 5G, for telecommunication until potential hazards for human health have been fully investigated by scientists independent from industry. Unfortunately much of the existing research used to create recommendations on ‘safe’ limits has been set by industry and therefore the need for more independent scientific research is greatly needed.
The effects of non-ionising radiation are accumulative and symptoms often don’t appear till many years later. Physicians are now increasingly confronted with unspecific complaints without clearly identifiable causes, raising new challenges in diagnosis and treatment for the medical profession. This is partly why in most countries, little or nothing has been done to reduce exposure and educate people on health hazards of non-ionising radiation. However, some countries have taken a more proactive approach such as France, Spain and Cyprus among others who have removed or minimised the use of WiFi in schools to protect children against possible health effects.
In light of this and while scientific evidence continues to build, we recommend everyone take steps to learn about EMFs, even if only as a precaution. In the following sections we highlight various studies (with original links) and we recommend everyone take time to read the research.
Health vs Legislation
It took decades before smoking was deemed ‘unhealthy’ for humans despite the risks being well documented early on. Will man made EMFs follow a similar story? Government has a habit of waiting till its too late…