Sleep is at the epicenter of our health; poor sleep can affect all aspects of our body and mind. Increasing number of us are struggling to sleep; last year the NHS recorded 10,000 sleep disorder admissions for U16 alone. We now have an increasing number of wireless devices in our bedrooms and many agree that this is playing an important role in our ability to get to sleep. Exposure to non-native EMFs may affect REM sleep activity, disrupting sleep quality.
Sleep quality
Non-thermal continuous and modulated electromagnetic radiation fields effects on sleep EEG of rats.
This study concluded that exposure to electromagnetic radiation in awake animals can alter their subsequent sleep structure. The REM sleep was more sensitive to radio frequency radiation than SWS (slow wave sleep).
Work environments
Sleep quality
Occupational Electromagnetic Field Exposures Associated with Sleep Quality: A Cross-Sectional Study.
The study was conducted on those working in a high electrical environment; the results indicated that poor sleep quality was significantly associated with the daily electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure time. It implied EMF exposure may damage human sleep quality rather than sleep duration.